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tamoadmin 2024-06-17 人已围观

简介1.流行用英语怎么说2.流行的用英语怎么说?3.这是一辆二手车,但是它的车况很好用英语怎么说4.非常流行的英文5.为什么二手车市场,“新”车越来越多?6.“随着轿车的流行,越来越多的人将选择为自己购买车”用英语怎么翻译?7.求一篇 关于国外二手车交易现状的英文文章流行的英文(名词性):popularity?popularity?读法 英?[?p?pju‘l?r?ti]? ? ?美?[?pɑ?pju







7.求一篇 关于国外二手车交易现状的英文文章



popularity?读法 英?[?p?pju'l?r?ti]? ? ?美?[?pɑ?pju'l?r?ti]? ? 



1、He has never courted popularity.


2、His supporters fell away as his popularity declined.



1、link popularity 链接广泛度

2、enjoy great popularity 享有盛誉

3、increased popularity?增加好感

4、popularity poll?人气调查

5、popularity prediction?流行度预测


popularity?形容词形式 popular


1、popular的基本意思是“流行的”“大众喜爱的”,指受到大部分人所欢迎和喜爱的,作此解时,可用作定语,也可用作表语,常与介词in, among, with, for连用。




1、widely popular 极其流行

2、popular science 通俗科学

3、very popular 很得人心

4、especially popular 特别受欢迎

5、popular as 作为…受欢迎的


那个年轻人发现自己攒的钱还不够买辆二手车英语是The young man found that his savings were not enough to buy a second-hand car


1、二手车车商总是会更加注重车身外判肢观而非引擎。A second hand car dealer will always look at the bodywork rather than the engine.?

2、新车的降价使二手车价格产生了连锁反应。The cut in new car prices has had a knock-on effect on the price of used cars.?

3、C集团公司开拓二手车市拦冲培场策略研究。The Strategy Research of C Group Developing the Used Car Market?

4、一汽-大众公司简唯开辟AUDI二手车市场的可行性研究报告The Feasibility Study of AUDI Used Car Marketing by FAW-VW?


Popular Music。

流行音乐,根据英语Popular Music翻译过来的。按照汉语词语表面去理解,所谓流行音乐,是指那些结构短小、内容通俗、形式活泼、情感真挚,并被广大群众所喜爱,广泛传唱或欣赏,流行一时的甚至流传后世的器乐曲和歌曲。这些乐曲和歌曲,植根于大众生活的丰厚土壤之中。因此,又有"大众音乐”之称。



准确的概念应为商品音乐,是指以赢利为主要目的而创作的音乐。它是商业性的音乐消遣以及与此相关的一切“工业”现象。(见前苏联《音乐百科词典》1990 年版)它的市场性是主要的,艺术性是次要的。



从根本上讲, 最开始的流行音乐应该从19世纪美国工业文明的兴起说起。那时大批农业人口进人城市,构成一早期的产业队伍, 城镇市民的结构产生变化。来源于市民阶层中的新文化代表就是早期的流行音乐。

那个时代, 反映怀念故土, 眷念家乡生活的通俗音乐作品,正好表达了远离家园而来到陌生环境求生的人们的心理状态和纯朴的思想感情。19世纪末20世纪初的美国经历了南北战争和第二次工业革命, 经济的发展给人们带来丰富生活的同时也促使音乐的长足发展。


特别是由多民族文化汇集而成的爵士音乐,以它独特的演奏、演唱方式,刷新了听众的耳目, 轰动美国, 又很快传遍世界各国。爵士乐风格多样、节奏性强, 不仅影响了其他流行音乐的形式, 也影响了严肃音乐的创作。

二战后又兴起了摇滚乐、蓝调和乡村音乐。其中摇滚乐成为主流。摇滚乐同样源于美国, 是黑人音乐的节奏布鲁斯与白人乡村音乐和西部音乐的有机结合。


70年代以后, 音乐风格更加多样,走向前卫和极端,表现在具有即兴性、强调借助和运用电子手段、注重乐器和效果的操纵技术、商业化倾向日趋明显。流行音乐的发展日益走向繁荣。









adj. 受欢迎的,流行的,大众的,普遍的,广为人知的,有名的


比较级:more popular

最高级:most popular


popular among 受…所欢迎的,为…所喜爱的

popular among students 在学生中很流行

popular as 作为…受欢迎的


popular的基本意思是“流行的”“大众喜爱的”,指受到大部分人所欢迎和喜爱的,作此解时,可用作定语,也可用作表语,常与介词in, among, with, for连用。




He is popular for his kindness.


Her songs are popular in Southeast Asia.


He is popular in society.


They were popular in the Army too.


The phrase was caught on and immediately became popular.



car,?but?the car?is?in good condition




second-hand car.

eg: This second-hand car looks nice. 这辆二手车看起来不错。

My parents sent me a second-hand car as a gift when I was eighteen.?


二手车的另一种表达方式是:used car(用过的汽车)

eg: My uncle has a used car. 我叔叔有辆二手车。

second-hand 形容词“旧的;二手的;用过的”

eg: This second-hand bike is cheaper than the new one.二手自行车比新自行车便宜。

second-hand 副词 间接地

eg: I got the news at second hand. 这消息是我间接得来的。


非常流行的英文是:very popular。


1、For a while rummy was the rage .有一阵子,打“勒美”非常流行。2、It is the only wear .这就是现在非常流行的东西。3、No - host parties have become very popular recently.最近非常流行费用分摊的聚会。

4、At present , treatment of essence oil is very popular.如今,精油治疗非常流行。5、In the west , holiday cards are very popular.在西方,节期卡片向来非常流行。6、What abut disco ? it ' s popular in western countries.比方迪斯科呢?它在西方国家非常流行。

7、Nowadays , short skirts and long boots are very much in fashion.时下非常流行短裙和长靴。8、B : pingpong is the most popular one in china.乒乓球在我国非常流行。9、Living separately from parents after marriage is all the mode today.婚后与父母分开住非常流行。










求一篇 关于国外二手车交易现状的英文文章

As cars are becoming more and more popular,more and more people choose to buy cars for theis persoal use.

The smarter way to buy.

The primary reason to buy a used car is that a used car costs less than a new one. Not so many years

ago, there were only three ways to buy a used car: from a private owner, from a used-car dealer, or from a new-car dealer. Each presented a buyer with a question that was impossible to answer—how do I know if I'm getting a car that won't fall apart the day after I buy it? A prudent buyer could take precautions, of course, such as having a mechanic inspect the car before handing over a check, or patronizing a reputable dealer who would stand behind what he sold, but it was still usually a 'buyer beware' situation.

In recent years, however, a new way of marketing used cars has evolved which gives a buyers another, possibly more attractive, choice. Today, a buyer has the option of purchasing a CPO car or truck.

What's a CPO? It means Certified Pre-Owned, which means that the used vehicle in question isn't just a pig in a poke, but comes with some guarantee as to its initial quality and potential reliability.

The CPO phenomenon is essentially a byproduct of vehicle leasing, which took off in the late 1980s and early 1990s. In those days, automakers, particularly those who made high-priced luxury cars, put together attractive leasing packages that gave buyers the option of being able to drive a car for less per month than it would have cost if they had financed and purchased in the traditional way. Leasing peaked in 1999, when nearly three-and-a-half million vehicles, roughly a quarter of all new-car deals, were leased.

Think of leasing a car as being the same as leasing an apartment—you get to use it, but you don't own it. When the term of your lease expires, you move on. In the case of an apartment, the landlord freshens it up and puts it back on the market. In the case of a car or truck, the landlord, who is the auto dealer in conjunction with the automaker, does the same thing—the off-lease vehicle is reconditioned and put back on the market as a CPO.

At first, automakers were reluctant to flood the market with off-lease CPOs, fearing that they would undermine new-car sales. But that turned out not to be the case. Over the past decade or so, new-vehicle sales have been remarkably robust and sales of CPOs have run apace. For example, for one recent month, Audi reported 6,473 new-car sales and 2,225 CPO sales, a fairly typical proportion for some of the more upscale automakers.

Although leasing has tapered off somewhat in recent years—because heavy discounting and a variety of incentives have made the outright purchase of a new car more attractive—it still accounts for millions of transactions each year and keeps the CPO market well-stocked.

Tips for Buying


Buying a used car obviously carries a certain degree of risk. After all, with a new car you get the peace of mind that no one has driven the vehicle carelessly or failed to have it maintained on a regular basis. And, if something does go wrong, the car is under warranty—at least for a period of time. These safeties are not usually included in the purchase of a used car. But used-car buying need not be as fraught with anxiety and terror as some may think. Knowing where and how to buy a used car as well as which cars to buy can alleviate most of the tension consumers feel about this unknown process. If you are willing to spend time doing thorough research, you will soon be driving the car of your dreams, secure in the knowledge that you paid a fair price for your new set of wheels.

Choosing a Used Car :


How much could you afford? -

Before you begin your search for a good deal on a used car, spend time considering many of the same factors that would apply to a new car purchase: how will you use the vehicle; how long do you plan to keep it; and your budget for the purchase, including insurance, operation, maintenance and repair costs.


What Car should you buy? -

Decide what car best suits your lifestyle and image. Since you could probably be owning and using the same car for many more years, you need to anticipate future needs and lifestyle changes. Today you could easily consider buying a mid-sized car as these cars are available at great bargains.

Narrowing down your dream list is a bit more difficult for used cars than new cars because there are so many more used vehicles. Talk to friends or acquaintances who drive cars that appeal to you; word of mouth is often one of the best ways to gather information about reliability or quirks of certain cars.


How Old is Old? -

If Budget is top priority then you rather buy a smaller car that's newer than a large car that's older. Owning a larger car will cost you more as the running costs - fuel, maintenance, tyres, spares are costlier. The best bet is to look for something almost new - Two years or younger. You could get a real good deal because there are plenty of car owners who don't want to be seen in a 'yesterday's model' - they want to be seen driving only latest cars.

Buying a middle-aged car ( 3 - 5 years old ) that has been treated well by its owner could be a great deal. You could find a lot of these cars at a good bargain. Cars that have logged 14,000 to 18,000 Km a year are prime buys.

Cars flogged badly by chauffeurs or heavily used ones are like buying trouble.

Odometer readings can be rolled back, or "clocked." This fraud is practiced by thousands of fly-by-night, independent used-car sellers nationwide. The effect is obvious: a high-mileage car is turned into a low-mileage car to increase the car’s value. A car with low mileage, but with a lot of wear on the driver's seat or the brake and accelerator, may indicate tampering with the odometer.

文章标签: # the # car # 流行