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tamoadmin 2024-06-15 人已围观

简介1.降价的英语翻译 降价用英语怎么说2.放在二手交易平台上出售英文3.她是系里唯一的一位喜欢弹钢琴的女孩子,译成英语。这是一部二手车,但是这部车的车况很好。译成英语。那个年轻人发现自己攒的钱还不够买辆二手车英语是The young man found that his savings were not enough to buy a second-hand car二手车英语例句:1、二手车车商总是

1.降价的英语翻译 降价用英语怎么说




那个年轻人发现自己攒的钱还不够买辆二手车英语是The young man found that his savings were not enough to buy a second-hand car


1、二手车车商总是会更加注重车身外判肢观而非引擎。A second hand car dealer will always look at the bodywork rather than the engine.?

2、新车的降价使二手车价格产生了连锁反应。The cut in new car prices has had a knock-on effect on the price of used cars.?

3、C集团公司开拓二手车市拦冲培场策略研究。The Strategy Research of C Group Developing the Used Car Market?

4、一汽-大众公司简唯开辟AUDI二手车市场的可行性研究报告The Feasibility Study of AUDI Used Car Marketing by FAW-VW?

降价的英语翻译 降价用英语怎么说


 1.benefit n. 好处,利益 vi./vt.对…有利,有益于

 benefit concert 慈善音乐会

 例句:We need to let everyone know about the benefit concert, but we don't have much money for advertising.


 2.form n. 类型,种类;表格;形状 vt.形成,构成

 application form 申请表

 例句:It's difficult to fill this application form for me.


 3.harmony n. 1.协调,融洽2.(声)谐调,和声学

 in harmony with 和谐相处 (to stay peacefully with)

 A:I wonder if our children will still be able to breathe the clean air, drink clean water and see the blue sky.


 B:I agree with you. I think it's time man learned to live in harmony with the earth instead of just exploiting it.


 4.rush vi.催促;冲,奔,急速流动 n.冲,急速进行;热潮

 there is no rush 不着急,慢慢来(对照同义习语:What's the rush? Take it easy, Take things easy)

 A:If you'd like to take the package with you Miss, it won't take long to wrap.


 B:There's no rush. Could you please have it delivered this week?


 the more 更多

 the more the merrier 人越多越好(常出现在晚会场景中,表达人多多益善,人越多越高兴)

 1.A:I'd love to come to your barbecue on Saturday but my cousin is arriving from California that day.


 B:That's no problem. the more the merrier.


 2.A:Shouldn't we invite more people to the dance?


 B:The more, the merrier.


 the more..., the more... 越...越...(the higher degree of... leads to the higher degree of...)

 例句:The larger the diamond is, the higher the price is per carat.


 5.vain a. 1.虚荣的2.高傲的

 in vain 徒劳,白费力气

 例句:AII his explanations were in vain.



 1.alienate vt.1.使疏远2.转让,让渡

 alienate from 隔离,疏离(separate from; not belong to particular surroundings)

 例句:Hemingway became part of a group of Americans who felt alienated from their country.


 2.car n. 车,汽车;(火车)车厢

 car dealer 汽车代理商(person in charge of the sale of car)

 例句:1.Used car dealers say they can't keep "Bugs" on their lots these days.


 2.You probably read consumer guides, visit car dealers, and talk to other people about their cars.


 3.contrary prep. 与…相反

 on the contrary 相反;另一方面(quite opposite to what has been suggested)

 例句:Lots of people think this simply suggests that once a person becomes a criminal he will probably remain a criminal. But of course it doesn't necessarily mean that at all. On the contrary, it could equally suggest that being in prison actually makes people more likely to commit crimes. .


 4.crowd n. 人群 vi. 聚集

 beat the crowds 躲开人群,避免拥挤(avoid the crowds)

 例句:The only way to beat the crowds when you do grocery shopping on Saturday is to be here when they are open at nine o'clock sharp.


 5.deal with 对付,处理(handle, tackle, cope with)

 例句:1.They do not trust their children to deal with crises.


 2.I had to deal with so many courses last term that really had a hard time.


 3.When you take the subway, you don't have to deal with the traffic.


 6.Dutch n. 荷兰人,荷兰语 adj. 荷兰(人)的,荷兰语的

 go Dutch [口]各自负担自己费用(go out for fun together but have each person pay for himself)

 例句:Last time you paid for the bill. Maybe we can go Dutch this time.


 7.get away 出去

 例句:I'd like to get away for the long weekend, but I don't know where to go.


 8.hand in 交上去

 hand in交上去,对照(同义习语turn in)

 例句:1.Irene left no stone unturned in her research, and handed in an excellent paper .


 2.Could I hand in my paper a few days late?


 A:I can't remember the due date for our final paper.


 B:I think it is the last day of class, But Professor Merdoks said not to wait until the last minute to hand it in.


 9.heart n. 心,心脏

 at heart 内心深处;实际上(in one's real nature in reality)

 例句:1.Although I live in London now, I'm still at heart a countryman.


 2.His manners are rough, but he is a kind man at heart.


 10.management n.1.管理,经营2.管理人员

 go into the management 进入管理阶层,成为管理人员(to be a person in change of business)

 例句:I want a better job. I want to go into the management.


 11.overwhelm adj.非常强烈的

 be overwhelmed with 忙着做

 A:I haven't seen you at the student center all week. Have you been sick?


 B:I've been overwhelmed with my history paper.


 12.worth adj.值…钱的,相当于…价值的;具有…的价值,值得… n. 价值,价格,作用

 be worth the wait 等得值得,值得等

 A:I'm never going to trust the restaurant critic from that magazine again! that didn't taste anything like the meal we had in Chinatown.


 B:It definitely wasn't worth the wait.



 1.reputable n. 声誉好的,有声望的

 such a highly reputable 声誉如此高

 例句:It is certainly surprising that such a highly reputable magazine should print such childish drivel.


 2.reserve vt.1.储备,保留2.预定n. 1.储备(物)2.保留地

 on reserve 给某(些)人保留,不外借[限图书馆内阅读](kept for sb.and only permitted to read in the library)

 例句:The book has been put on reserve by Dr. Smith. Unless you have his written permission, we won't let it out.




1. price reduction


<price abatement> <scale down price> <depreciate> <abate a price> <reduced price> <lower price>


1. 我们调查证实过了。恐怕我将不得不取消这笔生意,除非您降价。

That has been confirmed by our survey. I'm afraid I'll have to cancel the deal unless you reduce your price.

2. 您既然不能降价,那这笔交易不如就拉倒吧。

Since you cannot reduce the price, we may call off the deal(business) as well.

3. 贵方如愿意降价2%,我们就可能达成交易。

If you are preparing to cut down your price by2%, we may come to term.


With the rapid development of economic and popularize of the Internet,trading platform for used cars gradually appears on the Internet.Trading platform for used cars can make business of used cars become more convenient,and it changes the situation where people must buy used cars in the cars' market greatly.

She is the only system to play the piano like a girl(她是系里唯一的一位喜欢弹钢琴的女孩子)

This is a second-hand car, but the car's vehicle in good(这是一部二手车,但是这部车的车况很好)

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